27. December 2017
You have to know what you want
A few years ago, Yannick Deridder and Bruno Vandenbrande decided to join forces. They were going to fulfil their desire and so they created the “Flanders Collection”.
Yannick Deridder looks after the breeders and receives a lot of help from his father. Bruno is responsible for the racing team and together with Yannick, they have achieved super results.
An important advantage is that one person has control over the breeders and the other is free to concentrate on the “races”. These are two important aspects in the pigeon racing that, if you want to do it well, demand a lot of energy from the fancier.
It’s lucky that Yannick is young, enthusiastic and has a lot of energy to look after this colony. In addition, he is surrounded by a team of people that help and support him as much as possible.
In conversation with Yannick, we arrived at the question:
“How do you keep your birds as healthy as possible?”
- You take very good care of them, while a strict selection is also very important.
- When they fall ill, they have to recover as quickly as possible.
- Every day, the water is disinfected using Avidress Plus. This is an amino acid, which – according to Yannick – is a true miracle product. His pigeons receive this every day of the year. In combination with UsneGano, it is given to the breeders when they have chicks. But it’s also a top product for the young birds in their first 3 months of life. It helps in developing the immune system while being extremely effective in keeping the intestines in balance!
– In preparation for the breeding period as well as the first round of breeding, the breeders often receive Taubenfit E50. These E vitamins make sure that the “older breeders” remain much more vital while enhancing the fertilisation. He repeats this regulary during the breeding period and his pairs can raise easily 4 to 5 rounds of chicks.
– Every day the pigeons receive a mixture of Breeding Mineral, Expert mineral and Topfit (Vitamineral), to which he regularly adds Leckerstein.
– In the breeding loft, he also often uses Gervit-W, a well-balanced vitamin preparation to keep the birds in optimum health.
KITTEL 6139803-13,
1 National Ace Short-distance KBDB
This is a Guido Van den Bulck cock. In addition to Kittel, he also bought his father and mother together with almost the whole family.
Impressive larger type pigeons with a lot of feathers. They are like a ball in the hand as well as being very tame. They know very well what is expected of them.
Super fast birds! ”Kittel” won, from Quiévrain 1/2,089 pigeons – 1/1,792 pigeons – 2/2,023 pigeons – 3/2,443 pigeons – 4/2,212 pigeons – 9/1,934 pigeons and was twice the fastest in the entire race in Quiévrain against 25,000 and 17,000 pigeons!
Thesedays, his descendants are also super. He is already a father, grandfather and great grandfather of winners such as: 1/1,780 pigeons – 1/1,636 pigeons – 1/831 pigeons – 1/805 pigeons – 1/740 pigeons – 1/668 pigeons – 1/566 pigeons – 1/433 pigeons – 1/336 pigeons ….
They have been extremely successful – particularly in combination with the Leo Heremans pigeons. Yannick has developed a warm friendship to Leo (they contact each other at least once a week). The cross-breed “Kittel” x “Heremans” is absolute top !
At several different locations
Yannick and Bruno wanted to test the quality of their breeding loft as quickly as possible, and therefore looked for ”pilot lofts”. These they found not only in Belgium but also abroad, including in Ireland and Portugal.
With these people, whom they have now become friends with, they made clear arrangements. A lot of breeders moved to these lofts, where they bred and their families were tested. The results are fabulous!
The “managing methods” were maintained by Yannick and the same products also used in these lofts: Carni-Speed, Ro 200 ready, Gervit-W, Avidress Plus + UsneGano. The results are super!
Top results in 2017 (100, 400 km)
Kittel’s offspring are super. Yannick ensured that the children and grandchildren of the famous “Kittel” took part in races both in Belgium and abroad. The results were absolute tops:
The grandchildren achieved such top results as the best against 12,000 – 11,000 – 10,000 – 10,000 – 8,000 – 7,400 – 5,000 – 4,000 – 2,000 – 2,000 pigeons and also 1st National Skibbereen against 2,500 pigeons.
Brothers and sisters of “Kittel” (from the mother Rosita) yielded winners such as 1/ 5,940 pigeons – 1/3,282 pigeons – 1/1,984 pigeons – 1/1,879 pigeons – 1/1,627 pigeons – 1/1,371 pigeons – 1/1,284 pigeons – 1/1,178 pigeons – 1/1,115 pigeons … “Greipel”, a brother of “Kittel”, provided successes, such as 1st National Barleycove against 1,500 pigeons (Ireland …).
The racing team receives optimal care.
Important aspects are:
- Keep to a regular care schedule (each train always at the same time)
- Regular control by the vet.
- Preventive measure: every 4 or 5 weeks, a Gamba-tab (against trichomads and coccidiosis).
- On their arrival home from the race: always Bt-Amin (amino acids and electrolytes), the next day K+K proteins to stimulate a fast recovery.
- Almost every day, RO200 condition powder ready on the feed.
- Every day, fresh Premium grit mixtures (for good digestion)
- At least once a week, a bath with Badesalz (during the moulting period, twice a week)
Finally, a few recommendations from this colony:
@SG Steffel (Germany) – Org Flanders Collection Breeding VD Bulck strain
From a sister of Kittel
- Best yearling Reg V 700
- Best bird RV Crailsheim
1/711 – 2/1.328 – 3/1.021 – 4/1.275 – 6/2.401 – 10/997 …
@ M SANGERS ( Holland) – Org Flanders Collection Breeding VD Bulck strain
from Kittel and a sister of Kittel, winner of 1/5.940 – 1/3.282 – 1/1.984 – 1/1.178 – 1/1.115 – 1/10.239 – 1/5.433 – 1/1.798 …
@ Leo Heremans (Belgium) – Co-breeding Flanders Collection VD Bulck strain
1/210 – 2/571 – 4/591 – 5/438 – …
@ Mohammad Al-Fezier (Kuwait) – VD Bulck top breeding pigeons
1/4.308 – 1/8.511 – 3/3.794 – 3/7.100 – 4/3.794 – 4/37.100 – 4/4.794 – 4/9.309 …
@ FJ-Irmer (Germany) – Org Flanders Collection/VD Bulck and co-breeding strain:
1/10.318 – 1/7.400 – 1/328 – 1/262
@ Les Green (United Kingdom) – Flanders Collection VD Bulck breeding strain:
2,438 pigeons: 1, 2, 3, 4
2,282 pigeons: 1, 2, 3, 4
3,159 pigeons: 1, 2, 3, 4
5,172 pigeons: 1, 2, 4, 5
@ J+J Marles & Larentzakis (USA): VD Bulck Basis in Florida USA
1/1.008 pigeons– 3/1.280 pigeons– 7/131 pigeons– 8/651 pigeons– 12/1.440 pigeons– 14/1.373 pigeons…