The start of the journey is imminent and the course is set. This is why we are asking the breeders of the Röhnfried Racing Team about their racing preparations and aims for the following season. Today Denis Faber from the SG Faber in Hamburg, Germany.
6 questions – 6 answers
1. Denis – describe the current situation of your travel pigeon loft!
“At the moment (since about 3 weeks ago), our traveling females sit in the travel lofts, separated from their partners. This year we will only travel with females.”
2. Which aspect do you place the most value on?
“For us, a good training behavior around the house is very important in order to recognize, whether there is still need to intervene, be it medical, training-specific or in terms of motivation.”
3. What are your goals for the coming racing season?
“A racing season with as little loss as possible, but unfortunately this goal is not entirely in our hands …”
4. What do you currently do with your young pigeons?
“The young pigeons are kept spartan and have been kept in a darkened loft since the last week of March. We will try to get them in the air soon.”
5. Which young pigeon care products can you not do without anymore?
“Avidress Plus and the combination Moorgold + Entrobac + Immunbooster.
6. What would you like to share with other breeders?
“Stay realistic and have fun with the practice of your hobby!”
Avitonicum activ
Is it possible to give avimycine and atemfrei at the same time about feeding and drinkwater.
Kind regards,
H. Gelderbloem.