The start of the journey is imminent and the course is set. This is why we are asking the breeders of the Röhnfried Racing Team about their racing preparations and aims for the following season. Today Simon Ullrich from Nauen in Brandenburg, Germany.
6 questions – 6 answers
1. Simon – describe the current situation in your travel pigeon loft
“We have our widowers raise a clutch of eggs, because we see a lot of advantages. We assume that the love of the pigeon lofts, the love between the partners and the home loyalty will rise grow even more, when the young pigeons grow up. Furthermore, we want to keep our pigeons as natural as possible. In our opinion, this includes raising young pigeons. Beyond that, we continuously breed premium racing pigeons from the racing pigeons.
Now it’s time to train the team. Approximately 14 days before the first price flight (on 04. 05.) the widowers should be ready to train approximately 50 minutes around the house. The the sustenance plan “travel” begins, at the same time. At the beginning of the first training flight, the food in the basket is swapped to “travel food”, namely Mifuma Power Mix.
This will be the case next week (week 15), so 3 weeks before the first flight. Carni-Speed is still given underdosed over food alongside Kräuter-Mix, twice a week. In addition, Entrobac and Moorgold are given twice a week as well. We try to build up the shape of the pigeons slowly to prevent slanting flyers.
On 27.03. an examination at the veterinarian took place.”
2. Which aspect do you place the most value on?
“That the form is built up slowly and losses by to the bird of prey are kept within limits. The last 14 days before the first price flight are the crucial ones for me. In the run up, it is of course important that the team starts the year 100% healthy. That’s why I visited the vet.”
3. What are your goals for the coming racing season?
“Make the most of our possibilities. We always want to keep the factor “luck” as low as possible. Therefore, we invest a lot of energy in the care of our young pigeons. Of course, we want to build on the successes of recent years, but we also know that in the racing pigeon sport nothing can be achieved with force!“
4. What do you currently do with your young pigeons?
“The young pigeons have been kept in a darkened loft since 1st of April. They get Immunbooster/ Entrobac (alternating) with Moorgold twice a week and once a week VitaloTop, which is preventive against the Young Pigeon Disease (JTK).”
5. Which young pigeon care products can you not do without anymore?
Immunbooster, Entrobac and Moorgold.
6. What would you like to share with other breeders?
“Keep calm when the season starts bumpy and don’t overdo it when it starts great! Sometimes our pigeon sport is more short-lived than we think ;-)”