An active metabolism is a precondition for top performance in modern pigeon racing. We recommend a traditional preparation that stimulates the metabolism. Additional functional ingredients can have performance improving effects! This is a central focus of our recommendations.
To stimulate the metabolism we use the highly stimulating effect of large doses of iodine on the metabolism. This makes it very easy for pigeons to be in top form. After only a few administrations of elementary iodine you can observe a clear change in the pigeons, which can only be achieved with elementary iodine. In addition to its role in thyroid function, iodine plays an important role in regulating physiological processes such as growth, moult and reproduction as well as immune functions; it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Iodine also plays quite an important role in the treatment of fun- gal diseases such as candida infections. Following antibiotic treatment several days of iodine administration is advisable. Iodine, because of its disinfectant effect, also plays quite an important role in treating and preventing pox diseases.
L-carnitine is a functional component that has a key function in energy metabolism. Studies show a clear effect from longterm feeding of pure carni- tine. It has been shown that administration of at least 50 mg of L-carnitine per pigeon must be provided in order for there to be a significant improvement in performance. It is absolutely essen- tial to ensure continuous administration of L-carnitine during the racing period, because only then can Lcarnitine be absorbed by the muscle cells. The performance improving effects can only be ensured with longer-term administration, which manifests itself in increased willingness to train.
The main importance of L-carnitine lies in the transport of fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria, i.e. to the power stations of the cells, which makes it important for the race because of energy production from fatty acids. L-carnitine is able to prevent muscle cramping and fatigue by bin- ding free acetyl radicals and therefore avoid their damaging effect on muscle cells. L-carnitine is also a buffer for the damaging lactic acid, which means that the muscle, when under extreme stress, will not become “acidic” as quickly.
Under “normal” living conditions (outside the racing season) the L-carnitine requirements can mostly be met by self-synthesis. A deficiency can occur if in the case of low administration (mixed grain feed contains an extremely low amount of L-carnitine) there is an increased requirement. We have to assume a significantly higher requirement if physical strain is increased through training and racing.
We therefore recommend that you feed L-carnitine over a longer period of time, which should deliver a positive effect. Racing pigeons fatigue less quickly, which allows flying speed to be maintained at a high level over a longer period. The indirect cell protection function of L-carnitine protects the muscles. This prevents the muscles from becoming “acidic”, which is harmful, allowing the pigeon to deliver high performance in the long term.
During normal training at home, constant administration of L-carnitine leads to a much higher willingness to fly because of the influences mentioned above. The longer and more intense training units easily achieved this way lead to a proven training effect that puts a strain on all metabolic functions. The pigeons regenerate quickly even after heavy strain and the right conditions for top performance are in place L-carnitine increases performance indirectly by improving cell metabolism and leads to a shortening of the rest